Wednesday, November 26, 2008

student learning

Based on the planning by the classroom teachers, Teacher-Librarian and the Instructional Leader, the students will be involved in a 3-4 week process surrounding the iPod Digital Field Trip.

Initially, the classroom teacher will lead the students through Stage 1 of the Research Process. (See the related link on the left hand menu of the blog.) They will develop questions for the field trip, based on their in-class knowledge development in the area of study. The foundation questions for the field trips should be focused on ‘big idea’ questions. It is the intention to focus on big idea questions in order to elevate the field trip experience and the information gathering required for nonfiction article writing. For example, for the Ontario Science Centre Rainforest section, students could develop questions such as: “What is the rainforest environment like?”, which will lead to “What would we do if we were put in charge of taking care of rain forests? ”. The former question can be used as a question for students to gather base information and the latter as a question to develop a perspective for their article.

Next will be the technology skills lessons, to teach the correct use of the iPod and microphone and effective use of a digital camera for this task. These lessons will be conducted by an instructor from the Media Services department. Following this, the students and teachers will have time to practise the use of the technology and to rehearse oral recordings. The students will be expected to accurately pronounce and use the related scientific terminology. A lesson on storyboarding, as a tool for documentation of the audio and visual components, will be conducted. These three elements will be the responsibility of a trio group during the field trip, for use during interviews and exhibit visits.


Anonymous said...

In parts, this was very time consuming.

Anonymous said...

I liked learning how to use the camera.When we were at the science center I also liked taking pictures of all of the animals and exhibits.Overal i thought it was all lot of fun but maybe more pictures of 336.

by kyle.s