Sunday, April 19, 2009

more Stage 3 Student Research Work

The images below represent the continued work of the students in their classrooms. Referring back to their initial storyboards and research questions, they revised and edited their product storyboard to plan their audio/visual sequences for their final movie. They focused on the 'big idea' questions to develop a movie them related to biodiversity and a persuasive depiction of a scientific issue. 


Anonymous said...

The computer programs we used were not very straitforward or user friendly.

Anonymous said...

I think it was great that we got use the ipod and the digital camaras.I hope to do it again


Anonymous said...

I thought the project was very fun! But the files kept deleting themselves!

Anonymous said...

Hi,I really enjoyed this step. I disliked that we had to use moviemaker because there are lots of problems with this program.

-tite kubo
-cat man 4000

Anonymous said...

As one of the students who participated in this project, overall I thought it was great!
I loved visiting the science center and making the movie... although, I found that the program we used to create the movie was Difficult and confusing to use.
But it was fun all the same!


Anonymous said...

I think working with Movie Maker and working with digital cameras was verry fun.I also learned alot about Biodiversity. !!!!!! Daniel!

Anonymous said...

This part of the progect was anoying but it really helped my group organise when we made the video.

Anonymous said...

I think that this project was soooooooo fun.But when we got to the hard part, that was the part that you had to put all your work together, it kinda got messed up in the way that the Audio started to blank out!
Wich was really annoying!!!!!
And it was also hard to work with two other people because we started to get disstracted!
-Hayden k.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I have to say, this project was interesting, but some parts were a little stressful. It's always a challenge to work in a group, but we still ended up with a decent final project. It was awesome to be able to use all the technology that was available to us! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

I thought this stage was the most difficult. The reason was that if you make a mistake on the computer, it might be hard to fix the mistake... then you have to redo everything.

Anonymous said...

Movie Maker was really annoying. The whole project kept deleting itself. You'd open the file and the movie was gone. Everybody had it and I found personally that we wasted a lot of time redoing things the computer deleted.

Anonymous said...

I agree with most of the students that the programs we used for the project weren't very good. some of my groups files got erased so we had to start over in some cases. after awhile it got pretty annoying!!:(


Anonymous said...

it was very fun for a school progect but overall it was really fun

kirby from Anonymous :D

Anonymous said...

i thought it was fun but doing the project on the computer was not what i thought it would be.


Anonymous said...

I think this part was realy fun ecxept I did not like using Audacity because I had problems exporting them as waves


Anonymous said...

I thought it was fun during setp two of field trip. but step three was very hard

Anonymous said...

this part was very fun.i didnt get to go to the science center but going through the research .it was fine


Anonymous said...

This was a fun field trip beacuse we got to make a movie,with ipods and cameras. we also got to interview sientist with the ipods.

this field trip was fun and i would hope to get this privalage again

Anonymous said...

This step was for sure the most difficult for various reasons! First of all the program moviemaker wasn't very good and it would delete all the stuff we recorded! It was also very challenging because when you make a mistake it always takes long to fix it. overall the project was fun! (i liked using ipods and cameras)


Anonymous said...

It was fun working with all the equipment.The end result was pretty good for our group!I hope to do it again.

Anonymous said...

IT WAS Great

Anonymous said...

it was cool and fun and I really liked it

Anonymous said...

I didn't enjoy movie maker because it was really annoying because it deleted our project and we had to start over. -gasp-