Sunday, April 19, 2009

Stage 2 Student Research Work

Below are images of the student field trip. After touring the different exhibits related to Biodiversity and enjoying the 'Action Earth' presentation, the students had the occasion to interview the scientists. We were fortunate to have both a French-speaking and an English-speaking scientist available to us. As individual interview teams asked their questions, others sat and readied their equipment for their turn with the scientist. 


Anonymous said...

I liked the field trip. it was fun.
but i think we should have looked at more things!!! we only looked at a little bit of the biodiversite place.

Anonymous said...

My favourite part about the project would probably be the field trip, because it's where we got to learn everything about biodiversity. Working in a group was kind of difficult because everybody had to agree, but it was still fun because you could get to know your clssmates better.

Anonymous said...

I did not like that we only got to ask 2 questions, because my group had a lot of good questions and none of mine questions were asked or answered by the scientist at the science centre.


Anonymous said...

This was my favourite part of the project. It was especially interesting to hear the scientists answers to our questions.

Anonymous said...

I liked the scientist part because there answers to are very interesting.I wish we hade more time to ask more questions
overall it was fun

Anonymous said...

Going to the science center was a
lot of fun because we got to see a lot of cool stuff about biodiversity. I wish we could have seen more of the other exibits. D:

(:])+-[ (lil man)

Anonymous said...

The field trip was probably the best part, because going anywhere is always fun, from the science center to an movie. Even though we might of had to spend the day with people we would have prefered not to, it was still fun.


Anonymous said...

i liked the field trip it was awsome and learned alot.

i liked the mahine watching the the numbers of the people on earth increase


Anonymous said...

It was a fun school project because you got to work with your friends.

Anonymous said...

This was something new to me to work on this big project at school and it was cool learning about biodiversity and making it fun for everyone.


Anonymous said...

I liked the project but the story board was boreing and our photografer always ran off.

Anonymous said...

I liked the science centre because it gave us a lot of information.
it was very helped what biodiversity was about.
Beth J.& J.J