Sunday, April 19, 2009

Stage 1 Student Research work

Below are a few images to represent early research work with the students. 

Both classes, the Grade 5/6 English group and the Grade 6 French Immersion group, explored the 'QMatrix' as an organizational tool to generate questions for our study topic, Biodiversity. Small groups of 4-5 students developed both simple and 'big idea' questions to create a list of questions that they might ask of the scientists at the Science Centre. 
As the range of questions began to grow, we discussed strategies for organizing the sequence of questions in order to best prepare for the interviews. When the students regrouped for interview trios, they compiled questions that would suit their particular interests for learning about Biodiversity issues. From the class questions, then, they developed a sequence of questions for each interview team. 


Anonymous said...

I really had a lot of fun learning about biodiversity because I thought that biodiversity was really interesting.Working in a group was sometimes a little bit frustrating because we all didn't agree with everything but in the end it was cool because we got to see all of our opinions in one project.

Anonymous said...

I thought this was the most important stage.You have to prepare and understand what's your project about.